General provisions

These terms of use present the conditions for purchase in Store for Customers whose delivery address was specified as a place beyond the territory of the Republic of Poland.

The following notions in these terms of use have the following meaning:

-Customer – a person using Store, a natural person, with full legal capacity (therefore, in principle, at least of 18 years of age), a legal person or an organizational unit, not a legal person that is given their legal capacity by the law.
- Consumer – a natural person that undertakes the legal act not directly related to their business of professional activity (Art. 22 of the Civil Code).
- Store or Internet store – Internet store operating at , managed by Seller, through which Seller offers goods to Customers.
- Goods – merchandise available in Store.

Pricing in Store shall not constitute an offer as defined in the provisions of the Civil Code, but solely invitation to enter into a contract.
The prices of items displayed on the shop’s website are in Euro (EUR) with VAT included (the tax rate is in comply with current regulations) and shipping costs excluded (these costs include shipping insurance costs).


Items sold by the shop have specific properties which must be taken into consideration by reading their descriptions before making a purchase. The differences in the appearance of items resulting from computer settings (e.g. color or proportions of the items) are not the basis for complaint concerning purchased items. Prior to placing an order, the buyer should carefully read the item descriptions and information, displayed after clicking the name of a given item, especially the technical data and parameters. The seller takes no responsibility for the results of the buyer’s failure to fulfill the above obligations. In particular, this refers to a situation where an item does not meet the buyer’s esthetic expectations. The buyer should choose the right size of each item. The seller takes no responsibility for the buyer’s mistakes in specifying the size.

Consumer withdrawal from the contract

Customer who is Consumer is entitled to - in accordance with the Law of 2 March 2000 on protection of certain rights of consumers and on liability for damages caused by a hazardous product (Journal of Laws No. 22 item 271) – withdraw from the sale contract within 10 days from the date of receiving the ordered Goods. In order to meet the deadline mentioned above Seller might be sent a statement with withdrawal from the contract before the time expires.

The shipping cost includes insurance, in addition, each item purchased is refundable within 10 days of receipt of goods. Proof of purchase are required to be eligible for returning your item. Returned items must be in new conditions with no signs of use.

The items are returned at the buyer’s expense and risk. The seller takes no responsibility for any damage to the items that is caused during their shipping (transport) from the buyer. If the buyer returns the items by cash on delivery, the seller shall deduct the amount paid for that shipment from the amount that is returned to the buyer.

The total price is returned to the buyer’s bank account, from which the payment was originally made, or to another bank account specified by the buyer within 14 days from the day of contract withdrawal. The costs of shipping from the buyer to the seller are not refundable.

Goods exchange

Customer who is Consumer might refer to Seller to exchange the purchased Goods for another copy of the same Goods or other Goods available in Store – for an additional charge or return of the difference in value. Shall it be necessary to return Goods, Customer decides on the form of return.
In case of Seller giving consent to exchange Goods /merchandise, the shipping cost shall be covered by Customer.

Personal data

Seller processes personal data of Customers exclusively in the range provided for by the provisions of law, including the Law of 29 August 1997 on personal data protection (i.e. – Journal of Laws 02.101.926, as amended) or these terms of use.

Seller shall undertake the necessary technical and organizational means to protect the processed personal data.

In case of and in line with the conditions specified in the Law on personal data protection, especially in art. 24 and art. 32-35, Customer is entitled to access their data, correct it or delete it.

Customer might give consent to have their personal data processed by Seller for marketing purposes, as well as consent to be sent trade information by Seller via e-mail.

Final provisions

The seller reserves the right to change these Terms & Conditions.
Complaints about matters other than item defects or non-conformity with the contract should be e-mailed to: [email protected] The seller investigates each complaint within 14 days after receiving it, and then sends the reply to the buyer via e-mail. If the complaint is not investigated within that period, it does not mean that the seller has accepted the complaint.

The competent law for the purchase/sale contracts is the Polish law.

The only competent court for any disputes arising from these Terms & Conditions or any legal relations resulting from purchase/sale contracts is the court of local jurisdiction in theseller’s place of residence, unless the buyer is a consumer, in which case the competent court is specified by the Code of Civil Proceedings.